We are a well established firm in the community with over 50 years of land surveying records in the Chicago Area. We pride ourselves on our quick turnaround and competitive prices. Whether a small lot or a subdivision, we can help you complete your project quickly and efficiently.

Residential Projects:
Plat of Survey/Boundary Survey
Staked Surveys
Topographic Surveys
Engineering Topographic Surveys
Hydrographic Surveys
Elevation Certificates
Commercial Projects:
Plat/Boundary Surveys
Condominium Survey
Subdivision Plats
Plats of Consolidation
As-Built (record drawings)
Survey Exhibits
Annexation, Easement, Vacation & Dedication Plats
Cell Tower Surveys
Route Surveys
ALTA Surveys
Right-of-Way Surveys
Global Positioning Services (GPS)
Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
Construction Staking/Site Layout
As-Built Survey (Record Drawing)
Large Land Tract Survey
Elevation Certificates / LOMAs
Meets and Bounds
Legal Descriptions