Land Surveying Services

We are a well established firm in the community with over 50 years of land surveying records in the Chicago Area. ...

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Based on properties Acre or less

Properties larger than acre to be quoted on case-by-case basis

Boundary Surveys

AREA                                                                                         NEW                            UPDATE

Wheaton/Winfield/Glen Ellyn/Lombard                       $475-$500                   $475-$450

DuPage County/McHenry County                                   $475-$500                   $450-$475

DeKalb/Kane/Kendall/Will Counties                              $475-$525                   $450-$500

Western Cook County/Lake County                               $500-$550                   $475-$525

Chicago – Cook County                                                       $525-$575                   $500-$550

N. Illinois (N of Peoria) / S. Wisconsin (S of Madison) $800-$1000                 $700-$900


Civil Engineering Services

AREA                                                                                        NEW BUILD                 ADDITION

Engineering Quality Topographic Survey                            

DuPage/Lake/McHenry Counties                           $1,400-$2,500                 $1,400-$2,000

Kane/Kendall/Will/Cook Counties                         $1,900-$2,700                 $1,800-$2,200

Site Grading Plans                                                                 

Lake/McHenry Counties                                           $3,400-$4,800             $2,200-$3,200

DuPage/Kane/Kendall/Will/Cook/DeKalb             $3,400-$4,800             $2,200-$3,200

Chicago – Cook County                                              $3,800-$6,000             $2,500-$3,500

Septic Design                                                             

Lake/McHenry Counties                                           $1,800-$2,200            $1,600-$2,200

DuPage/Kane/Kendall/Will/Cook                           $1,800-$3,000             $1,600-$2,200


  • The above prices are for reference and do not constitute a contractual agreement for any specific job. Actual prices should be verified for each job and property and will be quoted on a case-by-case basis.
  • Engineering and Surveying Services not listed above will be quoted on a case-by-case basis.