Stanton Point Townhomes, Fox Lake, IL
Residential Project on Five Previously Platted Lots in the Town of Fox Lake
Engineering Services Included:
- Topographic Study
- Site Development Plans
- Grading Plans
- Storm Water Management Plans Including Modeling for Detention Basin Design
- Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plans
- Plat of Subdivision for Recording
- Construction Staking of All Buildings and Site Improvements
- Record (As-Built) Drawings of Completed Project
Survey Services included:
- Overall Boundary Survey
- Plat of Grant of Easement for Pedestrian Access (Granted to New Homeowner’s Association)

Lincoln Hills Subdivision, McHenry, IL
Project Engineers for Residential Subdivision in the City of McHenry
Engineering Services Included:
- Topographic Study
- Site Development Plans
- Grading Plans
- Storm Water Management Plans Including Modeling for Detention Basin Design
- Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plans
- Plat of Subdivision for Recording
- Construction Staking of All Buildings and Site Improvements
- Record (As-Built) Drawings of Completed Project
Surveying Services Included:
- Overall Boundary Survey
- Subdivision Plat (including roadway dedications) for recording
- All Subdivision Monumentation
- Lot Plats
- Construction Staking of Subdivision Improvements
Plat of Grant of Easement for Utility Easements Requested by COMED after Subdivision Recording

Fox Glen Subdivision, Fox River Grove, IL (completed 2005)
Multi-unit office condominium project (sewer and water)
Engineering and survey services for this 9-acre project.
Work Included:
- Topographic Study
- Site Development Plans
- Grading Plans
- Storm Water Management Plans Including Modeling for Detention Basin Design
- Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plans
- Plat of Subdivision for Recording
- Construction Staking of All Buildings and Site Improvements
- Record (As-Built) Drawings of Completed Project

Shopping Center, McHenry, IL
Project Manager for 4,600 square-foot White Hen Express and 8,600 square foot Retail Center (project photos on our website at lt-pe.com under “Projects”.)
Work Included:
- Boundary Survey
- Topographic Study
- Site Engineering
- Grading Plan
- Storm Water Management Plans
– Calculations and design of detention basin
- Construction Staking of all improvements

Northwest Highway Retail Center, Barrington, IL
Project Engineers for commercial retail strip center with HDPE detention under parking lot (project photos on our website at landtechnologyinc.com under “Projects”).
Work included:
- Boundary Survey
- Topographic Study
- Site Engineering
- Grading Plan
- Storm Water Management Plans
– Calculations and design of detention basin
- Construction Staking of all improvements
- Building
- Parking Lot
- Sewers
- As-Built Drawings of completed project
- Surveys (Plat of Consolidation, Spot, Final Survey)

Alliance Retail Center, Carpentersville, IL
Project Engineers for commercial retail strip center with pre-cast concrete detention under parking lot along Route 25, Carpentersville (project photos on our website at landtechnologyinc.com under “Projects”). This project contained all of the services listed below plus underground detention and testimony before the Village Plan Commission and Village Board in support of underground storage.
Work included:
- Boundary Survey
- Topographic Study
- Site Engineering
- Grading Plan
- Storm Water Management Plans
- Calculations and design of detention basin
- Construction Staking of all improvements
- Building
- Parking Lot
- Sewers
- As-Built Drawings of completed project
- Surveys (Plat of Consolidation, Spot, Final Survey)

122 West County Line Road, Barrington, IL
Civil Engineers for site and septic design of new house on 22 acre property
Work Included:
- Topographic Study
- Site Engineering
- Grading Plan
- Septic Design
- Storm Water Management Plans
- BFE Study and Determination
- Drainage area modeling to aid in BFE Determination

789 Plum Tree Lane, Barrington, IL
Civil Engineers for design of 40 acre property with construction in the flood plain.
Work Included:
- Topographic Study
- Site Engineering
- Grading Plan
- Septic Design
- Storm Water Management Plans
- BFE Study and Determination
- Drainage area modeling to aid in BFE Determination
- Cut and fill calculations
- Compensatory storage design